

The Strathbogie Assembly located in Westmoreland, Jamaica West Indies came into existence after Brother Ewart Morris, while living in Grierfield, St Ann, informed the Leader of the Church, that the Lord told him that He was sending him to the West. 

After some years, Brother Morris relocated to Savanna-la-Mar in Westmoreland, and while there, he met Sister Pearline Barnett who was originally from Strathbogie but was in fellowship at the Roadside Assembly in St Ann. While sharing with her his experience of the call to move to the West, she also shared with him her calling while in the Bahamas. She recounted how the Lord told her to return to Jamaica where He had work for her to do. With a common purpose therefore and in obedience to the Lord, both Brother Morris (who later became Deacon) and Sister Barnett (who later became Deaconess) started witnessing to and praying for people in the area.

Some months later, Brother Morris had a vision which led him to conclude that he should contact Pastor Hixroy Joseph Waugh the Overseer of the church to which he belonged, to commence evangelism in the Strathbogie area. Overseer Waugh readily accepted his proposal as this was in accordance with his own vow to God in 1958, to evangelize Jamaica. Shortly after, efforts were made to begin the work in the West. 

In carrying out these evangelistic activities, brethren from Headquarters, along with others from daughter churches conducted many street meetings as well as house-to-house visits. These were supported by the community members, who among other things, provided electricity for the street meetings.  After three months of sowing the seeds of righteousness, God granted the increase, and on April 18, 2004, the first Baptismal service was held, and six persons were immersed.

The work continued to grow as God revealed Himself to His people in different ways. The sick were healed, the lonely experienced friendship and a sense of belonging as God poured His love into the hearts of many.  As the words of God were shared with the community, other lives were touched, and they too expressed the desire to follow the Lord in baptism. Among these persons was a pair of people who got married based on the teachings received. As the growth continued the second baptismal service took place on August 15, 2004, with five persons being immersed.

\As the membership increased, there was need for a more suitable place to worship.  One kind gentleman assisted in the search, and after discussing with his family members, they facilitated the lease of a parcel of land on which a building was constructed.  On November 14, 2004, the building was dedicated to the honour and glory of God.  Jehovah Jireh – God provides.

Under the Leadership of Deaconess Marie Levy with regular monitoring by Evangelist Ronald Burrell, the brethren continue move forward in sharing the Gospel message.

To God be the Glory!


“To teach and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Observing all the principles He taught.. Read more

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Saturdays: 10:00 am
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