The Chantilly Assembly located in Manchester, Jamaica West Indies, was established in 2010, sometime after Pastor James Spencer and a relative had a casual discussion (in 2008) as to whether an unused portion of land belonging to the Spencer family would be suitable for a church. This discussion was, however, on a relatively light note, as that plot of land was never really considered by all concerned, for use in that way.
For some months therefore, the idea had been almost forgotten, until one morning, Pastor Spencer awoke burning with passion, having been deeply stirred during the night to recognize that the time had come to start a work in Chantilly. So, after seriously discussing the matter with his siblings, it was agreed that a section of the land could be loaned to the church (for a period to be decided), for the erection of a temporary structure to hold worship services.
At this point, the rest of the Church Leadership was informed of the progress that was made so far, with respect to establishing a church in Chantilly, which is in keeping with the evangelistic thrust which began when Pastor Hixroy Waugh the Founder and first Overseer of the Church surrendered to God during his illness and offered to evangelize for Him.
So after praying and seeking God’s guidance, a number of visits were made to the community where it was discovered that residents welcomed the idea of a church being set up in the area and wished the church well. Following this positive response, a series of street meetings and other person-to person
interactions took place, with the first Street meeting being held on July 27, 2008 at a popular spot (Bull and Kippy Shop). This meeting was attended by a very large contingent of Believers from many of the churches and by many community members. Resulting from the meeting, brethren were further motivated to continue evangelistic work in the Parish of Manchester, which had no existing branch of the Church.
With much enthusiasm therefore, a number of other street meetings and individual interactions took
place. Such were followed by the erection of a temporary structure which began in early 2009 and was completed in 2010 through the hard work of a team of church and community members, who
either gave free service or worked at reduced rates. With the building well advanced in late 2010, the first Sabbath School and Divine Service was held on Sabbath December 11, 2010, where a small group of community members shared in the worship and began to show interest in the Church, some of whom later became members.
Despite many challenges, the Church continues to preach and teach the words of God in the
community under the leadership of Evangelist St Everton Goulbourne, supported by others from
Praise be to God!
Visit us
- 20 East Road, Kingston 10, St. Andrew, Jamaica, West Indies
- (876) 923-2149
- (876) 527-4878
Service Hours
Saturdays: 10:00 am
Alternate Sundays: 6:00 pm
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