Inception of the Church

God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform,
He plants His footsteps in the sea,
And rides upon the storm

                The history of the Church of God is, to a great extent hinged on the life of one – Brother Hixroy Joseph Waugh, whom God has laid His hand upon. He was a man of affairs, a father of a family, and with great responsibilities. Intensely practical. He was no giant in stature, far from being strong: but God saw something in him that overpowered these physical weaknesses; namely – the innate quality of a Spiritual Leader.

                As a soldier needs training to be fit for the army, so the soldiers need purging and training to stand the test of time. The beginning of it all was a baptism of suffering for eighteen (18) months. Days of hard and bitter experiences, when the entire family lived in despair. Many doctors were consulted, X-rays taken but with no result, for it was God’s plan that His purpose should be worked out. Everyone’s faith was severely tried, until the ultimate was reached.

“Enough that God my Father knows,
Nothing this faith can dim,
He gives the very best to those
Who leave the choice with Him”.

           All was spent and conditions remained the same. The question passed from mouth to mouth, “Will he live?” The answer came from God himself to His servant from the Book of Ezekiel chapter 37. (Can these dry bones live?) the answer “And I shall put my Spirit in you, and you shall live”(Ezekiel 37:14).

            The next step was the selling of the home, and the renting of one at 2b Rainford Road, Kingston 10. At this place, was another family with similar experiences, so the two families formed themselves into a praying group. Having been miraculously led to this place, a close eye was kept on the leading of the Master, and ears became more attentive to His voice.

          One morning, in the month of December 1958, God sent a message through one of His servants, that no more doctor’s medicine should be taken, but rather, pure water and olive oil, consecrated. You may wonder what value the pure water has, rather than being a compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Let me assure you that it is not the compound that does the work, but the effect produced after it has been touched by the Divine hand of the Maker.

         When this medicine was taken, the results were visible and on the 25th of December 1958, a great mountain was removed as he experienced significant improvement in his health. This remarkable and gracious deliverance brought joy to all as well as a strong confirmation of faith. 

          As the Lord had led the children of Israel through a longer detour than they had anticipated so He led this family through narrow and difficult defiles, which, however, were not impassable for He was piloting the way. After encamping at Rainford Road for 2 months, the Waugh family moved to 20 East Road on January 21, 1959. 

          The prayer meetings continued at their residence with such results that God revealed Himself more and more to the family. During a three-day fast, God gave the command that a sanctuary should be erected on this property to His Name’s praise, honour and glory. 

          It was never in the mind of Brother Waugh to use this piece of land in this way as he had hoped to erect a cottage. However, it was in God’s plan for this property to be used for the House of God.   

          The voice of God became more audible as He spoke expressly from John 4:24 –“God is a Spirit and they that worship Him, must worship Him in Spirit and in truth”. This command speaks for itself, as it defines the kind of worship that God requires. The group then realized fully that for one to worship God, one must possess that vital attribute of God – namely the Spirit of God.

          The first Sabbath School was held in March 1959, in the cottage with 15 persons. This number soon increased to 36; and on the 3rd of April 1960, the first baptism was performed at the Hope River where 15 persons were immersed in the Name of the Lord Jesus. Several other baptisms followed within a short time.

          As time went on, the need of a building for worship was sensed, and the command to build, was aroused in the minds of the Leader and the brethren. Although no funds were available, faith was at its peak, as the group held on to the words of God – “The cattle upon a thousand hills are mine….” A fund was started known as the Building Fund to which members made pledges and gave as God prospered them.

          The first amount collected was just enough to procure 2,000 bricks. This was an indication that a building was in progress. In the month of August 1960, the excavations were cut; later the walls were up, the roof went up, and praises went up to the God of Heaven. Brethren and friends worked willingly because they had the mind to work. This coincides with Psalm 110:3 – “Thy people shall be willing in the day of thy power”. 

          Although the church did not have much money, the brethren came together and with God’s miraculous provision the building (30×18 ft), was completed in 9 months according to schedule at an approximate cost of £8000 not including labour. The Church of God rejoiced on May 21, 1961, when the sanctuary was presented to the Lord. As the church continued to rejoice in the goodness of God, many souls were added. 

          In the month of August 1961, Brother Waugh was officially ordained to the Ministry of the Seventh Day Church of God. With impaired health he laboured arduously in the city and in the rural parts with the assistance of Brother David Spencer, a young man whom the Lord had called. Wonderful were the experiences that came through fasting and prayer, yet so simple to almost baffle description.

          The Church of God, however, does not always ride on flowery beds of ease. She has her Marahs to face. In spite of the challenges which included various attacks from the enemy, it was generally felt that the best plan was to go on with the work and leave it to God to vindicate our cause. 

          We were not satisfied with our spiritual lives, hungry and thirsty, our souls fainted within us. We craved the abundant life and so our motto was “Lord plant our feet on higher ground”.

          February 3, 1962 was a turning point in the history of the Church. Many could not understand the leading of the Lord, and for this reason, some might even have blasphemed against the Holy Ghost.  As a few brethren waited on the Lord in fasting and prayer, He spoke that the Church should have seven days of fasting for a special blessing.

          As recorded in Joel 2:28 where God promised to pour out His Spirit upon all flesh…; as the brethren waited on God they had some similar experiences, for without a single sign of warning, ‘the clouds that were big with mercy, suddenly broke with blessings on their heads’. In that very hour, Sister Elaine Barrett, one of the humblest among the young girls of the Church burst forth in prophesying, telling of things past, things present and things to come. Among the revelations received that night was the early complete healing of our Pastor – the words came clearly, “Tell Pastor Waugh I shall soon heal him completely” The brethren became as ‘newborn babes’ to this new experience.

          On February 6, the words of the Lord came through Sister Alexander to Sister Waugh, that she should read 1 Sam. 3 which spoke of Samuel being called by God and his response (as directed by Eli). After receiving the message, Sister Waugh read the chapter and realized that God was going to speak to her.

          As God spoke to her, He revealed that He had raised up His Church, and although the ‘Sanballats and Tobiases’, would come from the East, West, North and South, to try to crush the work, the believers should not fear, as “the gates of hell shall not prevail against it”.

          In accordance to what Sister Elaine Barrett, had revealed, the words came again, “Tell Pastor I have chosen him from the womb to lead my people, and in three days I shall give him complete healing”. This was fulfilled to the letter, for on the third day, as Pastor Waugh shopped on King Street, the power of God ‘arrested him’. He was taken home and at his own door he was ‘given an injection by the Divine Hand’. The ‘doctor’ laid him on his bed, ‘performed the operation on his stomach before the eyes of all and then raised him up a whole man’. Who was this doctor? none other than Doctor Jesus.

          It was the custom of the Church to assemble on the eve of the Sabbath for prayer meeting. On the afternoon of February 9, 1962, at the command of God, the brethren assembled earlier and in larger numbers as the brethren from the rural assemblies joined in the worship. As the sequel proved, it was easier to come to the meeting than to get away, for this afternoon proved to be the Inauguration of the Reformed Church. Without notice, the Holy Spirit took over completely, led through a programme which was not planned to the surprise of all.  

          The many extraordinary experiences of the brethren, during the early days of the Church, caused them to be ostracised by their friends and some family members. Some said, “they are off the path”, others said; “leave them alone; if they are of God, they will succeed, but if not, they must fail”. Today, many are saying “Of a truth, this work is wrought of God”.

          The success of this work is hinged on prayer. There was a prayer band appointed by God to be on duty night and day. As revealed by God, this prayer band was able to give a true report of individuals’ whereabouts and activities, as well as matters affecting the Church. Many at that time wondered where the Church received her information, but like Nebuchadnezzar, they were able to say “God is…a revealer of secrets”.  Hence the members embraced the thought …“No longer in darkness we are walking, for the light has come, and the glory of the Lord, has arisen upon His people”

          Many received benefits of healing. One such was Brother Alphaeus Satchell, who when the prayer band went to visit was found wrapped in a sheet, having been given over by doctors. After the group prayed and fasted on his behalf, he was healed and became involved in the work of the Church, including driving the missionary vehicle, as the Church continued her evangelistic mission across the island.  

          As the Lord continued to work with His people, some members of the church were given the names, and address of persons (some unknown to them) to whom messages were to be delivered. These were found and the messages were delivered. 

          The command had been given on February 3,1962 that the sanctuary should be enlarged. This seemed impossible in the eyes of the members until one day God asked if they were going to wait until the people came before they had the building extended. Then one Sabbath, to show a sign, He caused the Church to be so crowded that there was no room to accommodate some of the members.

          By faith, the group stepped out at God’s command to do His work, ‘hoping to make all withdrawals from Faith Bank’.  This was a major undertaking for a group with limited resources.  However, the Pastor had learnt to know God in a very real way. He knew of Him as One who could quell the raging of a storm at sea, in answer to prayer, alter the direction of the wind, and give rain in a time of drought. He had seen Him in answer to prayer, stay the hand of would-be-murderers and quell the violence of enraged men. He had seen Him rebuke sickness in answer to prayer and raise up the dying – even himself – when all hope of recovery seemed gone. Then why could such a God not provide funds to build His sanctuary.

          With faith at this point, the excavations were cut on February 3, 1963, one year after the command was given. But because there must be the usual setbacks caused by the opposers of the people of God, the work was held up for two weeks. After this period, however, work was carried on night and day. The walls of the building were knocked out on the 21st and the 24th.  

          A Rally of the Twelve Disciples was held in aid of the Building Fund when an appreciable sum was raised. The support of the brethren was very good; some gave until it hurt, but the blessing was theirs. Friends also put in their share in labour, tradesmen gave their time to the service of the Lord, because God caused them to be willing. “My people shall be willing in the day of my power”  Time taken for completion of this extension to an overall dimension of 33′ x 40′ was 9 weeks at an approximate cost of £1,200 and dedicated to the Lord on April 2, 1963.

          “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us”

          This word hitherto seems like a hand pointing in the direction of the past, but it also points forward, for when a man gets up to a certain mark, and writes, “hitherto”, he is not yet at the end; there are yet distances to be traversed; more trials, more joys; more temptations, more triumphs; more prayers, more answers, more toils, more strengths; more fights, more victories, therefore, we look forward to these experiences, with the hope that He who hath helped us hitherto, will help us all our journeys through.

          God had promised that the glory of the Latter House would be greater than that of the Former; and true to His words, the group not only felt His presence, but experienced His Love and Power in the Church, as many who came with burdens found comfort and rest. The sick were healed by the laying on of hands and prayers of the saints. These signs caused the Church to grow and brought more confidence to the Leaders. 

          On January 27, 1967, God spoke in accents clear, that His Sanctuary should be enlarged. This task He again entrusted to His servant Pastor Waugh of whom He demanded, “And what if you have to sell your very coat to please Me? Abraham stepped out by faith, Noah built by faith, without faith, it is impossible to please Me”. The brethren were once again called upon to ‘Work for the night is coming, when man works no more”

          Special instructions were given as to the expansion of the building. “You shall extend 20 ft”. He also gave the pattern of the building. “The ground shall be consecrated on May 15, sunshine or rain.” His commands were carried out to the letter, and the ground-breaking ceremony took place on the day appointed. On June 4, the excavations were cut.  The command was given to have the building completed by the first week of November and presented on the 12th.  

          It was no easy task to have it completed to date, but like Nehemiah the group worked with the hammer in one hand and the sword in the other; for many and great were the plans of the opposer of God’s people; but our Heavenly Father who gave the command showed that “The gates of Hell cannot prevail against the Church of the Living God”. 

          After these events during the early years of its establishment, the Church continued with its mandate of seeking and preparing souls for the Kingdom of God. Other Branches were founded in various locations as souls responded to the Gospel message. 

          The Seventh Day Church of God (Reformed) Incorporated which is composed of 30 Assemblies (26 in Jamaica, 3 in the United States of America, and 1 in the United Kingdom) is currently being led by Pastor James Spencer, Overseer and Pastor Gershom Baxter, Assistant Overseer.

          We give thanks to God for His leading through the years and continue to trust Him to guide us safely to the end.


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